"What Physical therapy can do in 10 minutes"
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Who are Physical Therapists?
Physical therapists are licensed health care providers with extensive musculoskeletal education focused around individuals’ function. Physical therapists can use a variety of techniques as a conservative treatment approach for patients’ pain, mobility deficits, soft tissue restrictions, strength deficits, and movement patterns faults. Therapists earn a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree and must pass a state board exam prior to practicing.
Why PT can benefit you
A course of physical therapy will not only address your
impairments such as pain, tightness, or weakness,
but it will make you more aware of your posture and
quality of movement. This can increase your efficiency
while you work or participate in recreational activities.
Gaining this awareness starts to build good habits and
lifestyle changes that will contribute to good
health and wellness. The more comfortable you feel
with proper movement patterns, the more likely you will
stay active and limit the risk of injury.
Insurance vs. Cash
With the change in health care and insurance, many individuals are being faced with high deductibles upwards of $5,000 and rising co-payments of $50 per visit. Typical PT visits are scheduled in 30 minute time slots that require patients to pay towards their deductibles or utilize their co-payment rates. In addition to your health care plan rates, your insurance provider can place restrictions on approved providers, treatment techniques, and length of care. Some insurances limit care based on dates, diagnosis, or functional capacity.
Cashed-based physical therapy allows you to seek care when you want it with the therapist of your choice. They provide devoted one-on-one attention and care no matter what your situation may entail. Whether you are looking to recover post an injury, require a check-up, or work on your running mechanics, your needs will be met.
Virtual vs. In Person
Why could virtual physical therapy or coaching be an even better choice?
Save time on travel and utilized services during convenient times that work for your busy schedule. , many situations do not require significant hands on techniques and respond to education and proper coaching over a consistent time frame.
What could be better than having a medical professional part of her health and wellness team in the palm of your hand?
Virtual physical therapists can provide greater value for your time and money leading to greater longer term outcomes and well-being. Schedule your free consultation call today!
Services offered
Virtual Coaching
Manual therapy
IASTM (Instrumented soft tissue mobilization)
SFMA (movement assessments)
Gait analysis
Postural re-education
Corrective exercise
Injury Prevention
Return to sports training
Custom Orthotics (Sole Supports)
NormaTec Recovery
TPI Golf Assessment