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5 Stages of Change Model: Reach the 5th Stage with Personal Training

5 Stages of Change Model: Reach the 5th Stage with Personal Training

Are your ready to make a change in your life. What stage of change are you in? These stages are psychological principles that were established by James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente in the 1970’s. Individual’s experiences of these stages do not have to be linear and they may go in and out of each stage numerous times. Knowing where you stand will help you gain a better understanding of where you are and what it may take to make the idea a reality.

Stages of change and personal training

Stage 1: Precontemplation = In this stage people are unaware that a change in behavior or activity may be beneficial and lack the idea of change.

Stage 2: Contemplation = In this stage people recognize the idea of change and the potential need for it, yet lack any actions to begin to change.

Stage 3: Preparation = In this stage people start to make a plan and prepare to make a change. Checklists are made and plans are scheduled.

Stage 4: Action = Here is where the physical change begins. This stage can be hard to handle and brings a large potential to divert back to old habits. This will test your commitment to change and your willpower to make it happen. Stay motivated and use as many support systems as possible to allow yourself to enter the maintenance phase.

Stage 5: Maintenance = In this stage people have adapted to the change and have incorporated it into their lifestyle. However, frequent reminders and motivators can be used to avoid taking a step in the opposite direction.

These stages are broad and can apply to many facets of life. When it comes to health and wellness, meeting with a fitness professional can help you reach stage 5. Personal training can help take you from stage 3 to stage 5 but the first 2 need to be an internal achievement. Email for more information about personal training options. Monthly specials available with new personal training client incentives.

Live to achieve,

  • Dr. G


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